Looking for PhD candidate > DART-EB: 3D modelling of times series of satellite observations and energy balance of vegetation canopies

Supervisors: Jean-Louis Roujean (DR, CNRS), Yingjie Wang (McF, UT3)

we are looking for a candidate to apply for the SDUEE doctoral school competition.

Duration: 3 years
Starting date: 01/10/2024
Laboratory: CESBIO, Toulouse, France
Deadline: 30 May 2024


The objective of the thesis is to develop a comprehensive, accurate, and efficient energy balance model to simulate time series (daily and seasonal cycles) of satellite observations and energy balance consistently across short and long wavelengths. The landscapes studied will be diverse and examined at different spatial resolutions. This model will notably consider the 3D geometry of observed surfaces and the biophysical mechanisms (e.g., thermal conduction, photosynthesis, evapotranspiration) that influence the optical properties and 3D temperature of canopies. This work will simulate and better characterize the dynamics of vegetation in response to abiotic factors, including the effects of water stress, which is a primary objective of the TRISHNA space mission set to launch in 2026. The results of  this model will be compared with in-situ measurements (ground-based, airborne) »

All information in the following link: attached file

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