Principales publications
Simonneaux, Duchemin B., Helson D., Er-Raki S., Olioso A., Chehbouni A.G, 2008. « The use of high-resolution image time series for crop classification and evapotranspiration estimate over an irrigated area in central Morocco ». International Journal of remote Sensing, 29:1, 95 – 116.
Cheggour A., Simonneaux; Samia A., Yaro Y. Errouane S., Sabir M., Roose E., 2008, Recherche d’indicateurs de ruissellement et des risques d’érosion au moyen de tests d’infiltrométrie dans le bassin versant du Rhéraya (Haut Atlas Occidental, Maroc). Revue des Sciences de l’Eau, 21(3), 311-322.
Chehbouni, A., Escadafal, R., Duchemin, B., Boulet, G., Simonneaux, V., Dedieu, G., Mougenot, B., Khabba, S., Kharrou, H., Maisongrande, P., Merlin, O., Chaponniere, A., Ezzahar, J., Er-Raki, S., Hoedjes, J., Hadria, R., Abourida, A., Cheggour, A., Raibi, F., Boudhar, A., Benhadj, I., Hanich, L., Benkaddour, A., Guemouria, N., Chehbouni, A.H., Lahrouni, A., Olioso, A., Jacob, F., Williams, D.G., Sobrino, J.A., 2008. An integrated modelling and remote sensing approach for hydrological study in arid and semi-arid regions: the SUDMED programme. Int. J. Remote Sens. 29 (17–18), 5161–5181.
Abourida A., Simonneaux V., Errouane S., Sghir F.., Berjami B., 2009, Estimation des volumes d’eau pompés dans la nappe pour l’irrigation (Plaine du Haouz, Marrakech, Maroc). Comparaison d’une méthode statistique et d’une méthode basée sur l’utilisation de données de télédétection. Revue des Sciences de l’Eau (Journal of Water Science), 22(1):1-13.
Simonneaux V., Le Page M., Helson D., Metral J., Thomas, S, Duchemin B., Cherkaoui M., Kharrou H., Berjami B., Chehbouni A., 2009, Estimation spatialisée de l’Evapotranspiration des cultures irriguées par télédétection. Application à la gestion de l’Irrigation dans la plaine du Haouz (Marrakech, Maroc). Sécheresse, 20(1):123-130.
Hammi S., Simonneaux V., Cordier J.B., Génin D., Alifriqui M., Auclair L., 2010, Can traditional forest management buffer forest depletion? Dynamics of Moroccan High Atlas Mountain forests using remote sensing and vegetation analysis. Forest Ecology and Management, 260(10):1861-1872
Le Page M., Berjamy B., Fakir Y., Bourgin F., Jarlan L., Abourida A.,Benrhanem M., Jacob G., Huber M., Sghrer, F., Simonneaux V., Chehbouni G., 2012, An integrated DSS for groundwater management based on Remote Sensing. The case of a semi-arid aquifer in Morocco, Water Resources Management, 26(11) : 3209-3230, DOI: 1007/s11269-012-0068-3.
Simonneaux V., Cheggour A., Deschamps C., Mouillot F., Cerdan O., Le Bissonnais Y., 2015, Land use and climate change effects on soil erosion in a semi-arid mountainous watershed (High Atlas, Morocco), Journal of Arid Environments 122, 64-75
Saadi S., Simonneaux V., Boulet G., Raimbault B., Mougenot B., Fanise P., Ayari H. and Lili Chabaane, Z., 2015, Monitoring irrigation consumption using high resolution NDVI image time series. Calibration and validation in the Kairouan plain (Tunisia), Remote Sens. 2015, 7(10), 13005-13028; doi:10.3390/rs71013005
Gorrab A., Simonneaux V., Zribi M., Saadi S., Baghdadi N., Lili-Chabaane Z., Fanise P., 2017, Bare Soil HYdrological Balance Model “MHYSAN”: Calibration and Validation Using SAR Moisture Products and Continuous Thetaprobe Network Measurements over bare agricultural soils (Tunisia), Journal of Arid Environments, 139, 11-25.
Hajhouji Y., Simonneaux V., Gascoin S., Fakir Y., Richard B., Chehbouni A., Boudhar A., 2018, Modélisation pluie-débit et analyse du régime d’un bassin versant semi-aride sous influence nivale. Cas du bassin versant du Rheraya (Haut Atlas, Maroc), La houille blanche, vol. 3, 2018, p.49-62.
Baba M.W., Gascoin S., Jarlan L., Simonneaux V., Hanich LM., 2018, Variations of the Snow Water Equivalent in the Ourika Catchment (Morocco) over 2000–2018 Using Downscaled MERRA-2 Data, Water 2018, 10(9), 1120; doi:10.3390/w10091120.
Romagny B., Simonneaux V., Boujrouf S., Er-Raki S., Riaux J., 2019, Ressources en eau, sociétés et territoires méditerranéens : l’interdisciplinarité pour répondre aux défis du changement climatique, Nature Sciences et Société, 27 (2), 219-224,
Elfarkh J., Ezzahar J., Er-Raki S., Simonneaux V., Aithssaine B., Rachidi S., Brut A., Vincent R., Khabba S., Chehbouni A., Jarlan L., 2020, Multi-scale evaluation of the TSEB model over a complex agricultural landscape in Morocco, Remote Sensing, 2020, 12, 1181.
Kharrou, M.H.; Simonneaux, V.; Er-Raki, S.; Le Page, M.; Khabba, S.; Chehbouni, A., 2021, Assessing Irrigation Water Use with Remote Sensing-Based Soil Water Balance at an Irrigation Scheme Level in a Semi-Arid Region of Morocco. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 1133.
El Farkh, J., Simonneaux, V., Er-Raki, S., Ezzahar, J., Jarlan, L.,et al., 2022, Evapotranspiration estimates in a traditional irrigated area in semi-arid Mediterranean. Comparison of four remote sensing-based models, Agriculture and Water Management, accepté.
Hanich L., Chehbouni A., Gascoin S., Boudhar A., Jarlan L., Tramblay Y., Boulet G., Marchane A., Baba M. W., Kinnard C., Simonneaux V., Fakir Y., Bouchaou L., Leblanc M., Le Page M., Bouamri H., Er-Raki S., Khabba S., 2022, Snow hydrology in the Moroccan Atlas Mountains: A review, Journal of Hydrology, accepté.
Ouassanouan Y., Fakir Y., Simonneaux V., Hakim Kharrou M. H., Bouimouass H., Najar I., Benrhanem M., Sghir F., Chehbouni A., 2022, Multi-decadal analysis of water resources and agricultural change in a Mediterranean semiarid irrigated piedmont under water scarcity and human interaction, Science of the total environnement, accepté.
Hajhouji Y., Fakir Y., Gascoin S., Simonneaux V., Chehbouni A., 2022, Dynamics of groundwater recharge near a semiarid Mediterranean stream: wet vs. typical climate conditions Journal of Arid Land (Springer),
Laluet Pierre, Olivera-Guerra Luis, Rivalland Vincent, Simonneaux Vincent, Inglada Jordi, Bellvert Joaquim, Er-raki Salah, Merlin Olivier, 2023, A Sensitivity Analysis of a Fao-56 Dual Crop Coefficient-Based Model Under Various Field Conditions. Environmental Modelling & Software, Vol. 160, 105608,
Sebbar, B.-e.; Khabba, S.; Merlin, O.; Simonneaux, V.; Hachimi, C.E.; Kharrou, M.H.; Chehbouni, A., 2023, Machine-Learning-Based Downscaling of Hourly ERA5-Land Air Temperature over Mountainous Regions. Atmosphere, 14, 610.
Sebbar, B.-e.; Malbeteau, Y., Khabba, S.; Bouchet, M., Simonneaux, V.; Chehbouni, A., Merlin, O., 2024, Estimating evapotranspiration in mountainous water-limited regions from thermal infrared data: comparison of two approaches based on energy balance and evaporative fraction, RSE, accepté.