
Extent of the Alps snow cover in January 2023 (before the storm)

In early January 2023 the snow cover area in the Alps was lower than the 30 years minimum. The snow cover area in January 2023 was lower than the snow cover area last year at the same period. This caused the publication of a lot of depressing ski resorts photographs. But the ongoing snowfalls in […]


Iceberg B-22A on the go

B-22A is the largest iceberg in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica (50 times Manhattan land area). It broke off from Thwaites Glacier’s tongue and remained grounded for 20 years.. But now it’s on the go, as shown by this animation I made from Sentinel-1 SAR images (about 1 per month since June 2015, total 75 frames): […]


Manque de neige et de données dans les Pyrénées Orientales

J’étais hier dans la maison du parc naturel régional des Pyrénées Catalanes pour discuter des possibilités offertes par la télédétection pour suivre le manteau neigeux. Les participants à la réunion représentaient bien les différents usages de l’eau dans ce territoire (milieux naturels, agriculture, eau municipale, hydro-électricité, domaines skiables). Tous ont exprimé le besoin de mieux […]


Iota2 latest release – Deep Learning at the menu

‎ Table of Contents 1. New iota2 release 2. Classification using deep learning 2.1. Material 2.1.1. Satellite image time series 2.1.2. Preparation of the ground truth data Sub data set Clean the ground truth vector file 2.2. Configuration of iota2 2.2.1. Config and ressources files 2.2.2. Iteration over the different sub ground truth […]


Effet de la sécheresse 2022 sur la durée d’enneigement dans les Parcs Nationaux

A partir des produits neige Theia, j’ai calculé la durée d’enneigement entre le 1er juin et le 31 août à 20 m de résolution spatiale pour chaque année depuis 2017 dans les zones cœurs des quatre Parcs Nationaux français de haute montagne (Pyrénées, Vanoise, Écrins, Mercantour). A titre d’illustration voici la comparaison entre l’été 2022 […]


Kyrgyzstan glacier collapse. New Pléiades and SPOT7 images tell us more…

Because the first images were partly cloudy, the Pléiades 1A and 1B satellites (CNES/Airbus) continued to acquire images over Kyrgyzstan and a cloud-free 0.7-m stereoscopic pair was acquired 16 July 2022. We could also obtain a 1.5 m SPOT7 stereoscopic pair from the Airbus DS archive thanks to the Dinamis initiative. The latter was taken […]


Multitemporal snow metrics from Sentinel-2

Our let-it-snow (LIS) processor computes the extent of the snow cover from Sentinel-2 surface reflectance (level 2 products). However, it can also compute multi-temporal composites (level 3 products) such as the snow cover duration, snow onset and snow melt out date from a time series of snow cover maps with a cloud mask. Aurore Dupuis […]


Sensing wave patterns in sea ice with Sentinel-2

Collard et al. (2022) have shown that Sentinel-2 can be used to estimate the wave spectrum in the presence sea ice. The waves tilt the sea ice surface and therefore modulate the reflected radiation that is received by Sentinel-2 sensor. The wave spectrum extracted from the image can even be used to invert the wave […]


Kyrgyzstan viral avalanche. First views of the glacier scar using Pléiades images

Last week, Simon Gascoin and I spent quite some time working on the Marmolada event. Just a week-end to rest and Twitter reminded us Monday morning that this summer 2022 was special for glaciers. Not only are they out of balance with the climate and will probably suffer one of their most negative mass balance […]

