Here is the SMAC atmospheric correction routine in Python language. More about SMAC.
- SMAC needs coefficients, which are available in the CESBIO repository for SMAC coefficients.
- Source and coefficients may also be downloaded from CESBIO GIT code repository.
Voici la routine de correction atmosphérique SMAC en python En savoir plus sur SMAC
- SMAC fonctionne à parir de coefficients précalculés qui sont disponibles sur le dépot de coefficients du CESBIO.
- Le code source et les coefficents peuvent aussi être tétéchargés depuis le serveur Git de codes du CESBIO.
#! /usr/bin/env python# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-#=============================================================================================# library for atmospheric correction using SMAC method (Rahman and Dedieu, 1994)# Contains :# smac_inv : inverse smac model for atmospheric correction# TOA==>Surface# smac dir : direct smac model# Surface==>TOA# coefs : reads smac coefficients# PdeZ : # PdeZ : Atmospheric pressure (in hpa) as a function of altitude (in meters)# Written by O.Hagolle CNES, from the original SMAC C routine#=============================================================================================from math import *import numpy as np#=============================================================================================def PdeZ(Z) : """ PdeZ : Atmospheric pressure (in hpa) as a function of altitude (in meters) """ p = 1013.25 * pow( 1 - 0.0065 * Z / 288.15 , 5.31 ) return(p)#=============================================================================================class coeff: def __init__(self,smac_filename): with file(smac_filename) as f: lines=f.readlines() #H20 temp=lines[0].strip().split() self.ah2o=float(temp[0]) self.nh2o=float(temp[1]) #O3 temp=lines[1].strip().split() self.ao3=float(temp[0]) self.no3=float(temp[1]) #O2 temp=lines[2].strip().split() self.ao2=float(temp[0]) self.no2=float(temp[1]) self.po2=float(temp[2]) #CO2 temp=lines[3].strip().split() self.aco2=float(temp[0]) self.nco2=float(temp[1]) self.pco2=float(temp[2]) #NH4 temp=lines[4].strip().split() self.ach4=float(temp[0]) self.nch4=float(temp[1]) self.pch4=float(temp[2]) #NO2 temp=lines[5].strip().split() self.ano2=float(temp[0]) self.nno2=float(temp[1]) self.pno2=float(temp[2]) #NO2 temp=lines[6].strip().split()[0]) self.nco=float(temp[1]) self.pco=float(temp[2]) #rayleigh and aerosol scattering temp=lines[7].strip().split() self.a0s=float(temp[0]) self.a1s=float(temp[1]) self.a2s=float(temp[2]) self.a3s=float(temp[3]) temp=lines[8].strip().split() self.a0T=float(temp[0]) self.a1T=float(temp[1]) self.a2T=float(temp[2]) self.a3T=float(temp[3]) temp=lines[9].strip().split() self.taur=float(temp[0])[0]) temp=lines[10].strip().split() self.a0taup = float(temp[0]) self.a1taup = float(temp[1]) temp=lines[11].strip().split() self.wo = float(temp[0]) self.gc = float(temp[1]) temp=lines[12].strip().split() self.a0P = float(temp[0]) self.a1P = float(temp[1]) self.a2P = float(temp[2]) temp=lines[13].strip().split() self.a3P = float(temp[0]) self.a4P = float(temp[1]) temp=lines[14].strip().split() self.Rest1 = float(temp[0]) self.Rest2 = float(temp[1]) temp=lines[15].strip().split() self.Rest3 = float(temp[0]) self.Rest4 = float(temp[1]) temp=lines[16].strip().split() self.Resr1 = float(temp[0]) self.Resr2 = float(temp[1]) self.Resr3 = float(temp[2]) temp=lines[17].strip().split() self.Resa1 = float(temp[0]) self.Resa2 = float(temp[1]) temp=lines[18].strip().split() self.Resa3 = float(temp[0]) self.Resa4 = float(temp[1])#======================================================================def smac_inv( r_toa, tetas, phis, tetav, phiv,pressure,taup550, uo3, uh2o, coef) : """ r_surf=smac_inv( r_toa, tetas, phis, tetav, phiv,pressure,taup550, uo3, uh2o, coef) Corrections atmosphériques """ ah2o = coef.ah2o nh2o = coef.nh2o ao3 = coef.ao3 no3 = coef.no3 ao2 = coef.ao2 no2 = coef.no2 po2 = coef.po2 aco2 = coef.aco2 nco2 = coef.nco2 pco2 = coef.pco2 ach4 = coef.ach4 nch4 = coef.nch4 pch4 = coef.pch4 ano2 = coef.ano2 nno2 = coef.nno2 pno2 = coef.pno2 aco = nco = coef.nco pco = coef.pco a0s = coef.a0s a1s = coef.a1s a2s = coef.a2s a3s = coef.a3s a0T = coef.a0T a1T = coef.a1T a2T = coef.a2T a3T = coef.a3T taur = coef.taur sr = a0taup = coef.a0taup a1taup = coef.a1taup wo = coef.wo gc = coef.gc a0P = coef.a0P a1P = coef.a1P a2P = coef.a2P a3P = coef.a3P a4P = coef.a4P Rest1 = coef.Rest1 Rest2 = coef.Rest2 Rest3 = coef.Rest3 Rest4 = coef.Rest4 Resr1 = coef.Resr1 Resr2 = coef.Resr2 Resr3 = coef.Resr3 Resa1 = coef.Resa1 Resa2 = coef.Resa2 Resa3 = coef.Resa3 Resa4 = coef.Resa4 cdr=pi/180 crd=180/pi #/*------: calcul de la reflectance de surface smac :--------*/ us = cos (tetas * cdr) uv = cos (tetav * cdr) Peq= pressure/1013.25 #/*------: 1) air mass */ m = 1/us + 1/uv #/*------: 2) aerosol optical depth in the spectral band, taup :--------*/ taup = (a0taup) + (a1taup) * taup550 #/*------: 3) gaseous transmissions (downward and upward paths) :--------*/ to3 = 1. th2o= 1. to2 = 1. tco2= 1. tch4= 1. uo2 = (Peq ** (po2)) uco2= (Peq ** (pco2)) uch4= (Peq ** (pch4)) uno2= (Peq ** (pno2)) uco = (Peq ** (pco)) #/*------: 4) if uh2o <= 0 and uo3 <=0 no gaseous absorption is computed :--------*/ to3 = exp ( (ao3) * ( (uo3 *m) ** (no3) ) ) th2o = exp ( (ah2o) * ( (uh2o*m) ** (nh2o) ) ) to2 = exp ( (ao2) * ( (uo2 *m) ** (no2) ) ) tco2 = exp ( (aco2) * ( (uco2*m) ** (nco2) ) ) tch4 = exp ( (ach4) * ( (uch4*m) ** (nch4) ) ) tno2 = exp ( (ano2) * ( (uno2*m) ** (nno2) ) ) tco = exp ( (aco) * ( (uco *m) ** (nco) ) ) tg = th2o * to3 * to2 * tco2 * tch4 * tco * tno2 #/*------: 5) Total scattering transmission :--------*/ ttetas = (a0T) + (a1T)*taup550/us + ((a2T)*Peq + (a3T))/(1.+us) #/* downward */ ttetav = (a0T) + (a1T)*taup550/uv + ((a2T)*Peq + (a3T))/(1.+uv) #/* upward */ #/*------: 6) spherical albedo of the atmosphere :--------*/ s = (a0s) * Peq + (a3s) + (a1s)*taup550 + (a2s) * (taup550 ** 2) #/*------: 7) scattering angle cosine :--------*/ cksi = - ( (us*uv) + (sqrt(1. - us*us) * sqrt (1. - uv*uv)*cos((phis-phiv) * cdr) ) ) if (cksi < -1 ) : cksi=-1.0 #/*------: 8) scattering angle in degree :--------*/ ksiD = crd*acos(cksi) #/*------: 9) rayleigh atmospheric reflectance :--------*/ ray_phase = 0.7190443 * (1. + (cksi*cksi)) + 0.0412742 ray_ref = ( taur*ray_phase ) / (4*us*uv) ray_ref = ray_ref*pressure / 1013.25 taurz=(taur)*Peq #/*------: 10) Residu Rayleigh :--------*/ Res_ray= Resr1 + Resr2 * taur*ray_phase / (us*uv) + Resr3 * ( (taur*ray_phase/(us*uv)) ** 2) #/*------: 11) aerosol atmospheric reflectance :--------*/ aer_phase = a0P + a1P*ksiD + a2P*ksiD*ksiD +a3P*(ksiD ** 3) + a4P * (ksiD ** 4) ak2 = (1. - wo)*(3. - wo*3*gc) ak = sqrt(ak2) e = -3*us*us*wo / (4*(1. - ak2*us*us) ) f = -(1. - wo)*3*gc*us*us*wo / (4*(1. - ak2*us*us) ) dp = e / (3*us) + us*f d = e + f b = 2*ak / (3. - wo*3*gc) delta = np.exp( ak*taup )*(1. + b)*(1. + b) - np.exp(-ak*taup)*(1. - b)*(1. - b) ww = wo/4. ss = us / (1. - ak2*us*us) q1 = 2. + 3*us + (1. - wo)*3*gc*us*(1. + 2*us) q2 = 2. - 3*us - (1. - wo)*3*gc*us*(1. - 2*us) q3 = q2*np.exp( -taup/us ) c1 = ((ww*ss) / delta) * ( q1*np.exp(ak*taup)*(1. + b) + q3*(1. - b) ) c2 = -((ww*ss) / delta) * (q1*np.exp(-ak*taup)*(1. - b) + q3*(1. + b) ) cp1 = c1*ak / ( 3. - wo*3*gc ) cp2 = -c2*ak / ( 3. - wo*3*gc ) z = d - wo*3*gc*uv*dp + wo*aer_phase/4. x = c1 - wo*3*gc*uv*cp1 y = c2 - wo*3*gc*uv*cp2 aa1 = uv / (1. + ak*uv) aa2 = uv / (1. - ak*uv) aa3 = us*uv / (us + uv) aer_ref = x*aa1* (1. - np.exp( -taup/aa1 ) ) aer_ref = aer_ref + y*aa2*( 1. - np.exp( -taup / aa2 ) ) aer_ref = aer_ref + z*aa3*( 1. - np.exp( -taup / aa3 ) ) aer_ref = aer_ref / ( us*uv ) #/*------: 12) Residu Aerosol :--------*/ Res_aer= ( Resa1 + Resa2 * ( taup * m *cksi ) + Resa3 * ( (taup*m*cksi ) ** 2) )+ Resa4 * ( (taup*m*cksi) ** 3) #/*------: 13) Terme de couplage molecule / aerosol :--------*/ tautot=taup+taurz Res_6s= ( Rest1 + Rest2 * ( tautot * m *cksi ) + Rest3 * ( (tautot*m*cksi) ** 2) ) + Rest4 * ( (tautot*m*cksi) ** 3) #/*------: 14) total atmospheric reflectance :--------*/ atm_ref = ray_ref - Res_ray + aer_ref - Res_aer + Res_6s #/*------: 15) Surface reflectance :--------*/ r_surf = r_toa - (atm_ref * tg) r_surf = r_surf / ( (tg * ttetas * ttetav) + (r_surf * s) ) return r_surf#=======================================================================================================def smac_dir ( r_surf, tetas, phis, tetav, phiv,pressure,taup550, uo3, uh2o, coef): """ r_toa=smac_dir ( r_surf, tetas, phis, tetav, phiv,pressure,taup550, uo3, uh2o, coef) Application des effets atmosphériques """ ah2o = coef.ah2o nh2o = coef.nh2o ao3 = coef.ao3 no3 = coef.no3 ao2 = coef.ao2 no2 = coef.no2 po2 = coef.po2 aco2 = coef.aco2 nco2 = coef.nco2 pco2 = coef.pco2 ach4 = coef.ach4 nch4 = coef.nch4 pch4 = coef.pch4 ano2 = coef.ano2 nno2 = coef.nno2 pno2 = coef.pno2 aco = nco = coef.nco pco = coef.pco a0s = coef.a0s a1s = coef.a1s a2s = coef.a2s a3s = coef.a3s a0T = coef.a0T a1T = coef.a1T a2T = coef.a2T a3T = coef.a3T taur = coef.taur sr = a0taup = coef.a0taup a1taup = coef.a1taup wo = coef.wo gc = coef.gc a0P = coef.a0P a1P = coef.a1P a2P = coef.a2P a3P = coef.a3P a4P = coef.a4P Rest1 = coef.Rest1 Rest2 = coef.Rest2 Rest3 = coef.Rest3 Rest4 = coef.Rest4 Resr1 = coef.Resr1 Resr2 = coef.Resr2 Resr3 = coef.Resr3 Resa1 = coef.Resa1 Resa2 = coef.Resa2 Resa3 = coef.Resa3 Resa4 = coef.Resa4 cdr=pi/180 crd=180/pi #/*------: calcul de la reflectance de surface smac :--------*/ us = cos (tetas * cdr) uv = cos (tetav * cdr) Peq= pressure/1013.25 #/*------: 1) air mass */ m = 1/us + 1/uv #/*------: 2) aerosol optical depth in the spectral band, taup :--------*/ taup = (a0taup) + (a1taup) * taup550 #/*------: 3) gaseous transmissions (downward and upward paths) :--------*/ to3 = 1. th2o= 1. to2 = 1. tco2= 1. tch4= 1. uo2 = (Peq ** (po2)) uco2= (Peq ** (pco2)) uch4= (Peq ** (pch4)) uno2= (Peq ** (pno2)) uco = (Peq ** (pco)) #/*------: 4) if uh2o <= 0 and uo3<= 0 no gaseous absorption is computed :--------*/ to3 = exp ( (ao3) * ( (uo3 *m) ** (no3) ) ) th2o = exp ( (ah2o) * ( (uh2o*m) ** (nh2o) ) ) to2 = exp ( (ao2) * ( (uo2 *m) ** (no2) ) ) tco2 = exp ( (aco2) * ( (uco2*m) ** (nco2) ) ) tch4 = exp ( (ach4) * ( (uch4*m) ** (nch4) ) ) tno2 = exp ( (ano2) * ( (uno2*m) ** (nno2) ) ) tco = exp ( (aco) * ( (uco *m) ** (nco) ) ) tg = th2o * to3 * to2 * tco2 * tch4 * tco * tno2 #/*------: 5) Total scattering transmission :--------*/ ttetas = (a0T) + (a1T)*taup550/us + ((a2T)*Peq + (a3T))/(1.+us) #/* downward */ ttetav = (a0T) + (a1T)*taup550/uv + ((a2T)*Peq + (a3T))/(1.+uv) #/* upward */ #/*------: 6) spherical albedo of the atmosphere :--------*/ s = (a0s) * Peq + (a3s) + (a1s)*taup550 + (a2s) * (taup550 ** 2) #/*------: 7) scattering angle cosine :--------*/ cksi = - ( (us*uv) + (sqrt(1. - us*us) * sqrt (1. - uv*uv)*cos((phis-phiv-360) * cdr) ) ) if (cksi < -1 ) : cksi=-1.0 #/*------: 8) scattering angle in degree :--------*/ ksiD = crd*acos(cksi) #/*------: 9) rayleigh atmospheric reflectance :--------*/ ray_phase = 0.7190443 * (1. + (cksi*cksi)) + 0.0412742 ray_ref = ( taur*ray_phase ) / (4*us*uv) ray_ref = ray_ref*pressure / 1013.25 taurz=(taur)*Peq #/*------: 10) Residu Rayleigh :--------*/ Res_ray= Resr1 + Resr2 * taur*ray_phase / (us*uv) + Resr3 * ( (taur*ray_phase/(us*uv)) ** 2) #/*------: 11) aerosol atmospheric reflectance :--------*/ aer_phase = a0P + a1P*ksiD + a2P*ksiD*ksiD +a3P*(ksiD ** 3) + a4P * (ksiD ** 4) ak2 = (1. - wo)*(3. - wo*3*gc) ak = sqrt(ak2) e = -3*us*us*wo / (4*(1. - ak2*us*us) ) f = -(1. - wo)*3*gc*us*us*wo / (4*(1. - ak2*us*us) ) dp = e / (3*us) + us*f d = e + f b = 2*ak / (3. - wo*3*gc) delta = np.exp( ak*taup )*(1. + b)*(1. + b) - np.exp(-ak*taup)*(1. - b)*(1. - b) ww = wo/4. ss = us / (1. - ak2*us*us) q1 = 2. + 3*us + (1. - wo)*3*gc*us*(1. + 2*us) q2 = 2. - 3*us - (1. - wo)*3*gc*us*(1. - 2*us) q3 = q2*np.exp( -taup/us ) c1 = ((ww*ss) / delta) * ( q1*np.exp(ak*taup)*(1. + b) + q3*(1. - b) ) c2 = -((ww*ss) / delta) * (q1*np.exp(-ak*taup)*(1. - b) + q3*(1. + b) ) cp1 = c1*ak / ( 3. - wo*3*gc ) cp2 = -c2*ak / ( 3. - wo*3*gc ) z = d - wo*3*gc*uv*dp + wo*aer_phase/4. x = c1 - wo*3*gc*uv*cp1 y = c2 - wo*3*gc*uv*cp2 aa1 = uv / (1. + ak*uv) aa2 = uv / (1. - ak*uv) aa3 = us*uv / (us + uv) aer_ref = x*aa1* (1. - np.exp( -taup/aa1 ) ) aer_ref = aer_ref + y*aa2*( 1. - np.exp( -taup / aa2 ) ) aer_ref = aer_ref + z*aa3*( 1. - np.exp( -taup / aa3 ) ) aer_ref = aer_ref / ( us*uv ) #/*------: 12) Residu Aerosol :--------*/ Res_aer= ( Resa1 + Resa2 * ( taup * m *cksi ) + Resa3 * ( (taup*m*cksi ) ** 2) )+ Resa4 * ( (taup*m*cksi) ** 3) #/*------: 13) Terme de couplage molecule / aerosol :--------*/ tautot=taup+taurz Res_6s= ( Rest1 + Rest2 * ( tautot * m *cksi ) + Rest3 * ( (tautot*m*cksi) ** 2) ) + Rest4 * ( (tautot*m*cksi) ** 3) #/*------: 14) total atmospheric reflectance :--------*/ atm_ref = ray_ref - Res_ray + aer_ref - Res_aer + Res_6s #/*------: 15) TOA reflectance :--------*/ r_toa = r_surf*tg*ttetas*ttetav/(1-r_surf*s) + (atm_ref * tg) return r_toa#=============================================================================if __name__=="__main__" : #example theta_s = 45 theta_v = 5 phi_ s = 200 phi_v = -160 r_toa=0.2 ######################################lecture des coefs_smac nom_smac ='COEFS/coef_FORMOSAT2_B1_CONT.dat' coefs=coeff(nom_smac) bd=1 r_surf = smac_inv(r_toa , theta_s, phi_s, theta_v, phi_v,1013,0.1,0.3,0.3, coefs) r_toa2 = smac_dir(r_surf, theta_s, phi_s, theta_v, phi_v,1013,0.1,0.3,0.3, coefs) print r_toa, r_surf,r_toa2
Bonjour, voilà je voudrais utilisée la routine SMAC pour corriger atmosphériquemment des images landsat 7 mais je n’arrive à intégrer la routine smac sous python . est-ce que quelqu’un pourrait m’aider je débute en programmation?merci d’avance Stéphanie
Hello,thank you very much for the code! I found a difference in the Python code compared with the C-code of SMAC available at the CESBIO website:in Step 10 – « Residual Rayleigh », in the Python code the factor « taur » is used as provided in the coefficient files, while in the C-code this factor is weighted in Step 9 – « Rayleigh atmospheric reflectance » with Peq (taurz = taur * Peq).Could you please clarify if this is a typo in the Python code, or if this change was made consciously compared to the C-code?In the latter case, why?Thank you very much in advance,Gabi
Dear Gabriele, \nthanks for pointing this inconsistency !\nI do not have the answer yet, we have dug in all the multiple versions we have of the code, and some of them use taurz, others taur, we thus need to dig a little more to find out which one is the right one.\nAs it is a regression, the answer should be in the software which computes the coefficients, but we have several versions of it…\n\nI tested the effect of the error, for a blue band and a pressure of 900 hpa. Difference is only 0.35%, but still, we should correct it.\nI’ll come back to you soon.\nOlivier
Dear Olivier,did you already had time to clarify the inconsistencies in the C- and Python-codes of SMAC regarding the parameters taur and taurz, respectively?Further, do you have any experiences with combining the atmospheric correction with a topographic correction? Thanks!Gabi
Dear Gabriele,\nsorry for replying so late, last weeks have been hectic. \nWe did not have time to look at your question yet. Please remind us from time to time !\nOlivier
Dear Olivier,
first many thanks for the effort and sharing your work. I am wondering if it would be possible to obtain SMAC coefficients for Sentinel2-B as well? Or is there a way to reproduce the entire workflow of generating the SMAC coefficients on my own for any custom spectral band/ sensor? Many thanks in advance for your response.
Sorry for not replying to this comment, that I had not noticed. We must have computed them, I just have to find them.
Please send me an email to remind me, you’ll find my address at Cesbio easily.
Thank you very much for your sharing. Currently, I am unable to obtain the coefficients of SMAC Sensienl2, and I am unable to further access your private website. Also, do you have any complete processes or process cases that can be shared? We would like to fit SMAC coefficients for other sensors, such as the high resolution series of Chinese satellites. Thank you for your work and sharing.