L1C quick-looks for CNES sites

This page provides the quick-looks of the Level 1C images (ortho-rectified images expressed in Top of Atmosphere reflectances), for CNES sites, obtained until May 30th. To reduce the data volume, the quick-looks have been undersampled and compressed.


As the processing is hand made, some sites may still be missing, usually because I did an error in one of the configurations files. In some very cloudy sites, only a small number of images is available. This number could increase as our processing parameters are being enhanced to ortho-rectify images with a lower number of Ground Control Points.


The colour composite is (RVB)=(SWIR, NIR, Red). With this composite, water is dark blue, Snow is light blue, bare soils are purple or pink sometimes, and vegetation is green. To see the file at a higher resolution, click on the button in the top left corner.

CNES sites location

[map style= »width: auto; height:400px; margin:20px 0px 20px 0px; border: 2px solid black; » maptype= »OSM » kml= »https://labo.obs-mip.fr/wp-content-labo/uploads/sites/19/Sites_CNES.kml »]  

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