In order to implement this collective and multi-disciplinary project, five key actions that also constitute the scientific work packages are targeted while WP1 is dedicated to the project management and dissemination of results (Fig. 1). WP2 aims to characterize the spatio-temporal variabilities of the agrosystems bio-physical properties and the development of crop water stress and drought indicators later used in WP6. WP3 is dedicated to the understanding of the socio-economic factors that drive the farmers decision-making and water resources governance. WP4 aims to analyse water quality aspects and to identify the water production and uses patterns of the main agricultural systems (modern vs traditional, intensive vs extensive, annuals vs tree crops …) co-existing in the region in relation to observed changes assessed at WP2 and WP3. WP5 aims at projecting agricultural water use impacts on surface and groundwater reservoirs through integrated modelling tools already implemented on the targeted study sites and climate and socio-economic scenarios (WP3). WP6 aims to strengthen and to disseminate towards managers existing pre-operational solutions developed within the consortium to rationalize agricultural water use.

Thanks to Philippe Chibaudel :o)