How do we use Remote Sensing data at CESBIO ?

=>  Several data access centres are being renovated at CNES, ESA, and their first versions often lack some of the features we need. Together with colleagues from CESBIO, we have made a presentation of the way we use remote sensing (RS) data: here is a text version of this presentation. Of course, there are as […]


L’utilisation des données de télédétection au CESBIO

 => Plusieurs centres d’accès aux données sont en train d’être renouvelés au CNES, à l’ESA, et il manque souvent dans les premières versions des caractéristiques dont nous aurions besoin. Avec des collègues du CESBIO, nous avons fait une présentation au CNES de la manière dont nous utilisons les données. Voici une version écrite de cette […]


THEIA : a tricky transition period caused production delays, but the production resumes

=> Update the 8th of January, 2024 : A new change in the interface from the Copernicus Dataspace on January the 2nd, implemented without prior notice, has caused a new interruption of our downloads, and the real time processing at THEIA, at a moment when no one was available to change things on the our […]


Geodes, the next generation access platform for CNES EO data.

=> Context In 2021, CNES decided to implement a service hub for the dissemination of Earth Observation (EO) satellite data. Integrated in a national and European ecosystem, in the framework of Data Terra and at the service of scientific communities and CNES projects, the GeoDataHub project (GDH, which has more recently been renamed Geodes) will […]


Geodes, futur centre d’accès aux données du CNES pour l’observation de la terre

=> Contexte En 2021, le CNES a décidé de mettre en œuvre un hub de services autour de la diffusion des données satellitaires d’Observation de la Terre (OT). Intégré dans un écosystème national et européen, dans le cadre de Data Terra et au service des communautés scientifiques et des projets du CNES, le projet Geo […]


Using PEPS to compute the ground surface displacement after the Palu earthquake

The 7.5 magnitude Palu earthquake in 2018 was a disaster that left 2,081 people dead, 1,309 missing and 206,494 displaced. An impressive surface slip associated with the earthquake was visible in optical satellite imagery like Sentinel-2. I used this case to test the new tool that has been made availabe by the PEPS team ( This tool enables […]


Sentinel-2 also sees grassland taxonomic diversity !

Sentinel-2 image time series are widely used to map land cover, see for instance here or here. However, they can be used to extract other relevant information about the observed landscapes. In a recently published article (, we have used fifteen months of Sentinel optical and radar data to predict taxonomic and functional diversity at […]


It has never been so easy to obtain Sentinel2 L2A data processed with MAJA.

Sentinel-2 L2A products (with a good cloud mask and atmospheric correction) are produced by THEIA using the MAJA software on approximately 1000 different tiles. But this is only a small part of our big world, and we do not want to let the users alone to deal with Sen2cor poor cloud masks, outside Theia production […]


Land cover map of Victoria, Australia

Mapping (a part of) Australia at 10 m resolution

(French version here) It would be difficult to be farther away from France than Australia. In fact, the map we’re talking about today is of the State of Victoria in Australia, which is roughly diametrically opposed to Turkey with latitudes around  37°S and longitudes around 145°E. What we have done is reproduce the methodology that […]

