Pre-processing (geometry, atmosphere, clouds)

Copernicus should keep S2A operational after S2C launch

The launch of Sentinel-2C (S2C) is scheduled on the 4th of September 2024, next week ! After 3 months of commissioning phase, S2C will replace S2A, to fulfill the Sentinel-2 mission together with S2B. S2B will later be replaced by S2D. The current plans are to keep S2A as a redundant satellite, in case something […]


Sentinel-2 Enhance button: 5-meters resolution for 10 bands at your fingertips

Enhance button is a very common movies trope, where a character scrolls through some video footage or photos and asks a computer to enhance its resolution to an insane level of details, enabling solving crime mysteries and conspiracies of all sort with clues that were invisible in the original image. While this meme has been […]


THEIA : a tricky transition period caused production delays, but the production resumes

=> Update the 8th of January, 2024 : A new change in the interface from the Copernicus Dataspace on January the 2nd, implemented without prior notice, has caused a new interruption of our downloads, and the real time processing at THEIA, at a moment when no one was available to change things on the our […]


Les avantages et inconvénients du traitement systématique et du traitement à la demande

 => À mesure que la résolution de nos missions satellitaires s’améliore, le volume de données des produits de sortie augmente, et la part des coûts de calcul et de stockage de ces produits augmente également. Supposons que vous prépariez une nouvelle mission satellite, par exemple une mission de type Sentinel, dans l’espoir d’une utilisation potentielle […]


The pros and cons of systematic global processing

=>  As the resolution of our satellite missions improve, the data volume of output products increases, and the share of the computing and storage costs of its products increases too. Let’s assume we are preparing a new satellite mission, for instance a Sentinel-like mission, with the hope of potential use by operational or private users, […]


How does revisit affect data fusion methods (between S2 and a potential VHR constellation)

In a previous post, we showed that spatio-temporal fusion methods would enable to obtain hybrid data with the revisit of the S2-NG mission (3 to 5 days), and the resolution of the Sentinel-HR mission (2 m), with an uncertainty better than the atmospheric correction errors (better than 0.01 in reflectance).  In this section, we tested […]


Test of spatio-temporal fusion of Sentinel-2 New Generation data with a potential VHR mission

Three years ago, we started the phase-0 study of a mission named Sentinel-HR : S-HR would be a satellite mission to complement Sentinel-2 new generation (S2-NG) with In that study, one of our assumptions was that a lower revisit frequency than that of Sentinel-2 was sufficient. This seems possible because, in most cases, the high frequency […]

An update on the use of CAMS 48r1

As announced in a previous post, the aerosol definition of the new 48r1 release of the CAMS auxiliary data has changed as compared to the former 47r1. At that time, we recommended to disable the use of CAMS data with MAJA before we adapt the code. Meanwhile, we have also tested the actual impact on […]


MAJA and the new CAMS aerosols 48r1

The Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service (CAMS) is about to release a new version of its aerosol products on 27 June 2023, referred as 48r1. Their evolution has a direct impact on MAJA, and requires us to adapt the processor. MAJA will not be ready to support 48r1 before the next MAJA release scheduled for September […]

