Artificial snow accumulation detected from space
People often ask if we can detect artificial snow in satellite images. It’s not so easy except when the surrounding slopes are totally snow-free…

But recently, I noticed some anomalous snow accumulations patterns in a satellite-derived map of the snow depth near Super Barèges ski resort (Pyrenees). This map was computed at 2 m resolution from a pair of Pléiades stereo images acquired on 16-Mar-2021 (to know more about the method see Marti et al. 2016; Deschamps-Berger et al. 2020).

The little snow mounds are precisely located on the Toue ski slope. This slope is equipped with snow lances hence we see here artificial snow accumulation. To my knowledge this is the first time that artificial snow depth is spotted from space.

That year the ski resorts were closed because of the Covid-19… But the managers had the snow cannons running anyway as the decision was made quite late by the government. The accumulated snow remained there the whole winter as snow groomers were not used to spread it on the slopes..

PS. There is another way to spot artificial snow even if your eyes can’t see it..