
Fin de la phase d’acquisitions d’images de VENµS

 => C’est avec une certaine tristesse mais aussi beaucoup de fierté que je vous rappelle que la phase opérationnelle de VENµS se terminera fin juillet après 7 ans de bon travail. La phase d’acquisition actuelle (VM5) s’arrêtera le 12 juillet. Les semaines restantes seront consacrées à quelques expériences techniques (les acquisitions au-dessus d’Israël se poursuivront […]


The end of VENµS imaging phase

=>  It is with some sadness but also a lot of pride that I remind you that the VENµS operational phase will end at the end of July after 7 years of good work. The current acquisition phase (VM5) will stop on the 12th of July. The remaining weeks will be devoted to a few […]


Sentinel-2 Enhance button: 5-meters resolution for 10 bands at your fingertips

Enhance button is a very common movies trope, where a character scrolls through some video footage or photos and asks a computer to enhance its resolution to an insane level of details, enabling solving crime mysteries and conspiracies of all sort with clues that were invisible in the original image. While this meme has been […]


How do we use Remote Sensing data at CESBIO ?

=>  Several data access centres are being renovated at CNES, ESA, and their first versions often lack some of the features we need. Together with colleagues from CESBIO, we have made a presentation of the way we use remote sensing (RS) data: here is a text version of this presentation. Of course, there are as […]


L’utilisation des données de télédétection au CESBIO

 => Plusieurs centres d’accès aux données sont en train d’être renouvelés au CNES, à l’ESA, et il manque souvent dans les premières versions des caractéristiques dont nous aurions besoin. Avec des collègues du CESBIO, nous avons fait une présentation au CNES de la manière dont nous utilisons les données. Voici une version écrite de cette […]


Test of spatio-temporal fusion of Sentinel-2 New Generation data with a potential VHR mission

Three years ago, we started the phase-0 study of a mission named Sentinel-HR : S-HR would be a satellite mission to complement Sentinel-2 new generation (S2-NG) with In that study, one of our assumptions was that a lower revisit frequency than that of Sentinel-2 was sufficient. This seems possible because, in most cases, the high frequency […]


[VENµS] production of VM5 images restarts

We have had to cancel the production of VENµS L1C and L2A products for one month, because the footprints of VENµS images tend to change more than anticipated. The ground segment recognizes the sites by the coordinates of the corners, and the tolerances were not large enough. This problem has been understood and corrected by […]


[VENµS] Full reprocessing of VM1 data available

The full reprocessing of VENµS VM1 data acquired between end 2017 and end 2020 has just been completed, with improvements for the Level 1C and level 2A processing. The data can be downloaded from the Theia website : by clicking on VENµS VM1 (The data from VENµS new on-going phase, with a revisit of […]


[VENµS] How long will the VM5 imaging phase last ? The sun will decide

The VENµS satellite was launched in August 2017, with two missions : As a result, VENµS has had different phases separated by orbital changes. It’s imaging phases are VM1 at 720 km altitude, which lasted for three years, and the current VM5 phase at 560 km altitude, which started in March 2022. So, what will […]

