Computer code on the screen. Technical error. Glitch. Computer science.


The SAFYE-CO2 code including the SAFYE-CO2 model and the associated inversion method have been developed in python3 scripting language since 2018. The historical versions (Veloso 2014 ; Pique et al. 2020a,b,c) were developed in “Matlab” scripting language which requires a commercial license as well as the associated toolboxes: “Optimization Toolbox”, and “Global Optimization Toolbox”. The current Python version is based on 100% open tools.

Moreover, the new Python version of the code allows a clear identification of the processes involved. This architecture follows a physical modelling logic without deviating from the original version: soil module, vegetation phenology module, vegetation physiology module, heterotrophic process module, and the agricultural practice module. It allows for the first time – compared to the old matlab codes – to take into account the activation of several vegetation cycles during the year and thus to provide carbon budget over a whole cropping year, which is essential for this type of exercise.

The development of the code follows “Good Practice” rules set up for the project and based on the PEP8 standard of the Python language. These rules are applied automatically (via the autopep8 and Pylint reference tools), and then verified manually.

The documentation of the code is extensive. It is generated automatically (via the sphinx tool) and presented in standard formats (rst, html page). The libraries used are under open license (GPL). The version tracking is done under a git version manager (via framagit). The follow-up of improvements and incidents is done with standard development procedures; Issues, Board, Integration, Release.

The code was registred on 28th mach 2022 under the followed number IDDN.FR.001.140002.000.S.P.2022.000.10000
