Majamask : a new standalone raster mask tool

You can now produce a simplified rastermask from both CLM and MG2 MAJA masks using a standalone, ‘pip’ installable, Python tool call majamask available here.

The MAJA L2A products contain cloud (CLM) and geophysical (MG2) mask files. The mask layers are bitmasks, not to be confused with classified layers. Each pixel of a bitmask is a 8-bit unsigned integer which could be considered as a vector of 8 booleans (either 0 or 1). Each bit defaults to 0, unless the pixel matches a given mask category and changes to 1.

To make it easier to use and understand such bitmasks, we now provide users with a standalone Python tool call majamask that produces a single simplified rastermask from both CLM and MG2 masks. This rastermask can be used as a single raster layer in eg. QGIS, that contains the following categories :

Pixel valueFeatureBit considered in input masks
1CirrusCLM bit 7
2All clouds except cirrusCLM bit 1
3Cloud shadowsMG2 bit 3
4SnowMG2 bit 2
5WaterMG2 bit 0
6Topological shadowsMG2 bit 4
7Hidden areas due to terrainMG2 bit 5
8Tangent or low sunMG2 bit 6 or 7
0Valid reflectanceNone of the above

majamask can be installed with Pip and will come along Startmaja starting from MAJA 4.8.
