MAJA outputs products as a collection of directories, each of which refer to the given input L1C product, together with a log file. As an example:
Each product directory is named according to the sensor, date of acquisition, level, tile ID and version. It contains a collection of GeoTIFF and XML files:
- a DATA/ directory for product meta-data inherited from the L1C
- a MASK/ directory with:
- *_CLM_*.tif : the cloud mask
- *_DTF_*.tif:
- *_DFP_*.tif:
- *_EDG_*.tif : the edge mask (actual border of the image within the tile extent)
- *_IAB_*.tif : the water vapour and AOD interpolation mask
- *_MG2_*.tif : the geophysical mask
- *_SAT_*.tif : the saturation mask
- *_SRE_B*.tif : surface reflectance of band B* corrected for adjacency (divide by 10000 to convert Digit Number to surface reflectance)
- *_FRE_B*.tif : surface reflectance of band B* corrected for adjacency and topography effects (divide by 10000 to convert Digit Number to surface reflectance)
- *_ATB_*.tif : a 2-bands GeoTIFF with:
- band 1 being the water vapour (divide by 20 to convert Digit Numbers to g/cm2);
- band 2 being the Aerosol Optical Thickness (divide by 200 to convent Digit Number to AOD (-)
- *_MTD_ALL.xml : product meta-data
- *_QKL_ALL.jpg : product quicklook from bands (B4, B3, B2)
The suffix “_R1” and “_R2” relate to the 10m-resolution and the 20m-resolution bands respectively.
Product meta-data
Although each GeoTIFF surface reflectance file is self-sufficient for geolocation of the data, you will need some of the information stored in the XML meta-data file to properly use a MAJA product. Among other, the scale factor values such that <value> = <digit number> / <quantification value>, and the NODATA values:
<SPECIAL_VALUE name="nodata">-10000</SPECIAL_VALUE>
<SPECIAL_VALUE name="water_vapor_content_nodata">0</SPECIAL_VALUE>
<SPECIAL_VALUE name="aerosol_optical_thickness_nodata">0</SPECIAL_VALUE>
You’ll also find quality information related eg. to the cloud cover, snow cover, hot spot detection, etc.. under the <Quality_Information> group:
<QUALITY_INDEX name="CloudPercent">0</QUALITY_INDEX>
<QUALITY_INDEX name="RainDetected">false</QUALITY_INDEX>
<QUALITY_INDEX name="HotSpotDetected">false</QUALITY_INDEX>
<QUALITY_INDEX name="SunGlintDetected">true</QUALITY_INDEX>
Whenever you need to trace back the version of MAJA used to process a given product, it is stored at:
Finally, the structure of the different masks are described in the <Mask_List>
subgroup and detailed in the section below.
Product masks
The mask layers are bitmasks, not to be confused with classified layers. Each pixel of a bitmask is a 8-bit unsigned integer which could be considered as a vector of 8 booleans (either 0 or 1). Each bit defaults to 0, unless the pixel matches a given mask category and changes to 1.
As an example, consider a cloud mask pixel whose value is 35. This integer is stored as a sequence of bits numbered from 0 to 7. It should be interpreted as follow :

Here, the pixel is affected by a cloud or a cloud shadow (bit 0), and matches the cloud category (except the thinnest) (bit 1), and was detected by the multi-temporal threshold (bit 3). This byte 00001011 is stored as a 8-bit integer of value 11 as illustrated below :

Masks bitcodes
The tables below describe the different bitmasks produces by MAJA
Bit | CLM mask description (for both R1 and R2) |
0 | all clouds except the thinnest and all shadows |
1 | all clouds (except the thinnest) |
2 | clouds detected via mono-temporal thresholds |
3 | clouds detected via multi-temporal thresholds |
4 | thinnest clouds |
5 | cloud shadows cast by a detected cloud |
6 | cloud shadows cast by a cloud outside image |
7 | high clouds detected by 1.38 µm |
Bit | MG2 mask description (for both R1 and R2) |
0 | open water |
1 | all clouds (except the thinnests) |
2 | snow |
3 | all shadows (bit 5 or bit 6 of CLM) |
4 | topographic shadows |
5 | unseen pixels due to topography |
6 | sun too low for a correct terrain correction |
7 | sun direction tangent to slope (inaccurate terrain correction) |
Bit | IAB mask (for both R1 and R2) |
0 | Water vapour content is an interpolated value |
1 | AOD is an interpolated value |
Bit | SAT R1 mask |
0 | L1C B2 value is saturated |
1 | L1C B3 value is saturated |
2 | L1C B4 value is saturated |
3 | L1C B8 value is saturated |
Bit | SAT R2 mask |
0 | L1C B5 value is saturated |
1 | L1C B6 value is saturated |
2 | L1C B7 value is saturated |
3 | L1C B8A value is saturated |
4 | L1C B11 value is saturated |
5 | L1C B12 value is saturated |