Internship offer : DART-EB Modeling of Temporal Series of Thermal Infra-Red Radiance and Evapotranspiration Fluxes

6 month Internship at CESBIO. Possible supervision in Français/English


3 days DART tutorial on June 4-6, 2024

Please find the announcement of the next DART tutorial organized by CNRS on June 4-6, 2024, close to CESBIO. Teaching is free, including meals and coffee breaks. Everyone is invited, especially permanent CNRS staff, post-docs and trainees. Application Form


Looking for PhD candidate > DART-EB: 3D modelling of times series of satellite observations and energy balance of vegetation canopies

Supervisors: Jean-Louis Roujean (DR, CNRS), Yingjie Wang (McF, UT3) we are looking for a candidate to apply for the SDUEE doctoral school competition. Duration: 3 yearsStarting date: 01/10/2024Laboratory: CESBIO, Toulouse, FranceDeadline: 30 May 2024 Objective: The objective of the thesis is to develop a comprehensive, accurate, and efficient energy balance model to simulate time series (daily […]


Internship offer: Modelling the influence of 3D distribution of sunlit/shaded leaves on vegetation eco-physiological functions and energy balance

Subject: Vegetation plays a crucial role in regulating biogeochemical cycles, which makes the understanding of its biophysical and physiological processes essential for addressing global challenges in resource management under the climate change. The objective of this internship is to model and quantify the role and impact of so-called sunlit and shaded leaves within three-dimensional (3D) […]


Internship offer : Web site of the DART model

DART is a 3D radiative transfer model that simulates remote sensing images and the radiative budget of natural and urban landscapes in any spectral domain from visible to thermal infrared. It is the most complete model in the world. It has been developed by CESBIO since 1992. It was patented in 2003 and certified by […]


Internship offer: Inversion of satellite images of cities for studying their radiative budget

Collaboration: J. Tavares (VITO, Belgium), Z. Zhen (Jilin University, China), A. Kallel (CRNS, Tunisia) The radiative balance (RB) of cities is of growing interest, as it is a major component of their energy balance. Only remote sensing allows to evaluate it by inversion of satellite images in terms of the optical properties of urban elements […]

Félicitation à Omar Regaieg pour sa soutenance de thèse: « Modélisation du transfert radiatif de la fluorescence induite par le soleil, de l’émission thermique et du bilan radiatif des couverts végétaux 3D : vers un modèle SIF complet »

La soutenance s’est tenue le 12  Janvier 2023 à 10:00 (heure de Paris)En salle de conférence du CESBIO (https://www.cesbio.cnrs.fr), R.D.C. à gauche La composition du jury : Mme Karine Adeline (ONERA, Examinateur)Mme Valérie LeDantec (Université de Toulouse III, Examinateur)M. Roberto Colombo (Université de Milan Bicocca, Italie; Rapporteur)M. José Sobrino (Université de Valence, Espagne; Rapporteur)M. Zbynek Malenovsky (Université […]

